EMRFD Message Archive 9563

Message Date From Subject
9563 2013-12-16 12:20:49 David LeVan Oldbooks

I found an old ham radio book in e reader format that even had the old spark gap transmitter in it. A second e book was a book called letters from an radio engineer to his son. While very simplistic in discriptiion, the book goes into great detail. Both books are free downloads

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9564 2013-12-16 13:39:20 dx11 Re: Oldbooks

. Both books are free downloads


Of course the question  is”where?”


Cor Beijersbergen

9566 2013-12-16 22:58:33 ektpuah Re: Oldbooks
David, Can you please share the link to the pdf? 73 James Puah 9V1JP
9567 2013-12-17 08:01:46 Stewart Bryant Re: Oldbooks