EMRFD Message Archive 9288
Message Date From Subject 9288 2013-10-23 01:37:31 Ashhar Farhan Laser EME, at 600mbps! for the EME enthusiasts, you are warned against looking at moon directly while they test this service. you might accdientaly get their sample data files downloaded into your eyes!http://esc.gsfc.nasa.gov/267/271/335.html
- farhan9289 2013-10-23 10:08:56 ehydra Re: Laser EME, at 600mbps! Ashhar Farhan schrieb:
> for the EME enthusiasts, you are warned against looking at moon directlyIt is just an update for your brain. Works since ancient time the same
> while they test this service. you might accdientaly get their sample data
> files downloaded into your eyes!
way every full moon.
That is the reason why even small children have to look to moon without
knowing why.
- Henry