EMRFD Message Archive 8242

Message Date From Subject
8242 2013-02-09 07:56:48 kg9dk_john is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water solubl
Hi, I was wondering what the group prefer when it comes to solder flux. I use rosin core solder but since a lot of project are now surface mount I wondering if I should considering changing to water soluble flux. What is the group using and why?
8243 2013-02-09 08:33:10 Roelof Bakker Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
Hello John,

A few years back I have been lucky to buy cheap a couple of spools with
Kester no-clean solder.
One full spool was 0.25 mm which is incredible nice for SMD work.

Roelof, pa0rdt
8244 2013-02-09 17:51:53 Dana Myers Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
8248 2013-02-11 12:00:53 Steve Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
8249 2013-02-11 14:11:42 dixonglennb Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
8250 2013-02-11 19:34:32 Dana Myers Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
8251 2013-02-11 19:43:08 Jerry Haigwood Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
At one time, IBM only used water soluble flux. They may still use it.
Kenco was the supplier of the flux. So, if used properly, and with a good
process, it can be used. However, I personally would not use it since I
don't have the process or equipment to clean it off the PCB.

Jerry W5JH

"building something without experimenting is just solder practice"

8252 2013-02-11 20:20:18 Ashhar Farhan Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
Hmmm .. Can dionized water be used as an etchant?
- farhan

On 2/12/13, Dana Myers <k6jq@comcast.net> wrote:
8253 2013-02-12 03:44:31 Todd F. Carney Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
8256 2013-02-12 08:22:55 William Carver Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
I have a friend who LOVED that vapor degreaser. He would bring in nasty
auto parts on the weekend, which pissed the production manager off, big

He used to laugh about taking baths in it!

That was in the 1970s. About 25 years later he came down with bad
cancer. Scripps Hospital in La Jolla did a detailed analysis of it and
came up with the name of the solvent we used in that vapor degreaser!
Luckily for Bob, there is also a very specific treatment for that
particular cancer and he survived.

Hopefully the 70% rubbing alcohol won't get us. I use that, or acetone,
to clean boards. Acetone works faster but I think it's also something
you're not supposed to allow in contact with your skin. Oh well....


On Mon, 2013-02-11 at 20:26 -0800, Todd F. Carney wrote:
8258 2013-02-12 12:04:57 popmedkoh Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
Water soluble flux = Acid Core Solder.
Well not precisely but read the MSDS for acid cores and water solubles and mostly you'll find zinc chloride which reacts with water or ammonium chloride (another component) when heated to release hydrochloric acid which works great in breaking down heavy oxide on pipes and SMD's that have been sitting in the reel too long. Problem is that it remains acidic after cooling and must be flushed away. It also remains hygroscopic attracting water and thus staying highly corrosive. Rosin becomes acidic at soldering temps but not after cooling. Heathkit always had a black box warning: "all guarantees are voided and we will not repair or service equipment in which acid core solder or paste fluxes have been used".
As several have stated, water solubles are OK if thoroughly washed away but an SMD on a circuit board is like that cover glass on a drop of blood
8259 2013-02-12 19:36:36 Dana Myers Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so
8260 2013-02-12 19:36:40 Dana Myers Re: is there an advanage to using solder with rosin flux or water so