EMRFD Message Archive 7429

Message Date From Subject
7429 2012-04-22 13:27:11 Bill Kelsey - N8E... Dayton Special
According to their web site, the Dayton Hamvention is only 25 days away.
That mean FDIM is 24 days away. I will be doing my usual “Dayton
Pre-order Special” again this year. Order any ARRL book prior to Sunday
May 6, and I will take care of shipping and the tax, and will knock 10%
off the retail price of the book, and I will throw in a 2011/12 repeater
guide for free (while supplies last!) – and – I will deliver it at FDIM!

To help out those that are not going to make FDIM, I will cover the tax
and shipping plus take off 10% on your order over $50.

For DX Orders, shipping will be at cost, and I will take 10% of the
cover price of the book.

So – take a look at what ARRL has available on their web page, and get
your orders in (e-mail, US mail, telephone, whatever). I can take
VISA/MC/PayPal/cash, and will accept payment at FDIM for the orders I
deliver there.

73 - Bill - N8ET