EMRFD Message Archive 7427

Message Date From Subject
7427 2012-04-17 19:51:31 AD7ZU ARRL CCR / HOA Study

Many of us either live in deed restricted areas which prevent any form of amateur antenna on our own property.  This is not a new issue; however the ARRL is currently collecting comments to petition congress in an effort to resolve the amateur antenna issue at a federal level. 

I for one have been attempting to buy home in the Phoenix area and have found nothing that meets our other basic housing requirements and that will permit ANY type of antenna.

It may be tilting at windmills but if everyone would share their HOA / CCR experiences with the ARRL it just might help the cause. You need not be an ARRL member to participate.

Here is the link to the ARRL CCR Study:
please pass this to other Hams that may not have read this post and urge them to participate and / or repost on other groups and newsletters.



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