EMRFD Message Archive 6275
Message Date From Subject 6275 2011-05-11 16:18:20 ken evans FDIM Vendors - please register We need your help in planning for FDIM. If you are a QRP vendor or club and
plan to display at QRP-ARCI's FDIM vendor night, we would appreciate you
completing the vendor/sponsor form on the FDIM web site.
Go to http://www.fdim.qrparci.org/ and click on "Register Here- Vendor and
Sponsor". Complete the form and submit it.
We do not charge vendors or clubs for tables, but ask you to register to
insure we have the appropriate set up and number of tables to accommodate
all. Anyone displaying products or donating for the door prizes is welcome
to complete the form and get your name on our promotion materials.
See you next week!!
Ken Evans, W4DU
President - QRP ARCI