EMRFD Message Archive 5457
Message Date From Subject 5457 2010-11-22 08:08:41 Michael McShan CD Rom replacement Hi,
I discovered that my emrfd CD was broken (I guess that the adjoining book was pressing against it). I contacted the ARRL but they can't replace just the CD (the young lady did kindly offer to sell me a new copy of the book, though :-) ). I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to make a copy of their CD for me? I would of course pay for any and all expenses.
Thanks for you help and 73,
Mike N5JKY
Michael McShan N5JKY
Oklahoma City, OK
SKCC #85
FISTS #2626
QRP ARCI #9057
NAQCC #470
EM15fl5458 2010-11-22 08:40:22 Michael McShan Re: CD Rom replacement A replacement has been found. Thanks very much to all.
Mike N5JKY