EMRFD Message Archive 5436
Message Date From Subject 5436 2010-11-19 08:11:55 Alberto I2PHD Differential to Single-Ended I am trying to design a differential to single-ended circuit, to be used in an active antenna (a mega loop) project.
I received an advice about using a Norton current mirror in a differential amplifier. I tried to simulate that with
PSpice, but the results were horrible... can please somebody shed some light on the errors I made in the
circuit ?
Many thanks
/*73 Alberto I2PHD*/
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]5437 2010-11-19 08:18:59 Roelof Bakker Re: Differential to Single-Ended Hello Alberto,
Have you been looking into this one:
If it is not what you need, it still is a good read on the subject!
Roelof, pa0rdt5438 2010-11-19 08:37:27 Alberto I2PHD Re: Differential to Single-Ended 5439 2010-11-19 08:57:14 w4zcb Re: Differential to Single-Ended I've had excellent results with a simple instrumentation amplifier
made with LM833 operational amps. Set for ~60 dB of gain.
>> Have you been looking into this one:
>> http://www.lz1aq.signacor.com/docs/wsml/wideband-active-sm-loop-antenna.htm
>> If it is not what you need, it still is a good read on the subject!
> Hi Roelof,
> thanks for that pointer, it looks quite interesting. However that
> schematic makes use of transformers, which I would
> like
> to avoid, as my design should work from extremely low frequencies (5
> kHz) up to not more than 500 kHz.5440 2010-11-19 09:45:14 Alberto I2PHD Re: Differential to Single-Ended