EMRFD Message Archive 5159

Message Date From Subject
5159 2010-09-17 07:27:20 Chris Trask X-Mode Mixer (was mixers: strong signal immunity)
>> I'll be testing this thoroughly once I have the better diodes
>>installed. The transformers in it now are just my generic 4 turns
>>of trifilar wire in a 2402 binocular core. I use those for just
>>about everything when prototyping.
>Yes, I use those and keep a supply of them in 33/43/73 ferrite plus
>the larger and smaller cousins.
>I didn't think they were anything special but for upper VHF low UHF
>or low HF to MW maybe below the transformers require attention to be

Yes, and at that point I would be considering powdered iron balun cores and smaller wire. But, Fair-Rite 61 is reasonably good material up to UHF.

>If symmetric layout is observed and the transformers are as well
>made I'd expect very good isolation as every path by eye has it's
>mirror suggesting excellent balance is possible.

My prototype is pretty sloppy, even for my standards. It was intended to be nothing more than "proof of concept" and the performance at this level surprised me. I had to do the OIP3 test a few times before I believed what I was seeing.

>Looks like a good solution for where the SBL1 (level-7 mixer) is
>not adequate and the H-mode might be unsuitable/exotic for the VHF
>and up.

I might be encroaching on level-10 mixer territory with this, but it's much too early to tell. I've been going over what's readily available for the diodes and came up with the following:

BAV70S Pair of isolated CC duals, 4nS, 5pF
BAS40-05V Pair of isolated CC duals, 100pS, 5pF (best overall)

BAS40-05 CC dual, 100pS, 5pF (cheap)
BAT54C CC dual, 5nS, 5pF
BAV70 CC dual, 4nS, 5pF
HSMS-2804 CC dual, 100pS, 0.5pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2814 CC dual, 100pS, 0.5pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2824 CC dual, 100pS, 0.5pF (expensive, scarce)

BAS40-06 CA dual, 100pS, 5pF (cheap)
BAT54A CA dual, 5nS, 5pF
HSMS-2803 CA dual, 100pS, 0.5pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2813 CA dual, 100pS, 0.5pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2823 CA dual, 100pS, 0.5pF (expensive, scarce)

>When I look at the schematic the first thing that pops into mind
>is a pair of singly balanced mixers arranged to be balanced against
>each other.

Yes, that's it in a nutshell, except for the crossover. Two more transformers than in a traditional DRM like the SBL1-1.

Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE
5161 2010-09-17 07:53:56 Chris Trask Re: X-Mode Mixer (was mixers: strong signal immunity)
Ooops! Got the capacitances in that list of diodes a little mixed up. Here's the corrected version:

BAV70S Pair of isolated CC duals, 4nS, 5pF
BAS40-05V Pair of isolated CC duals, 100pS, 5pF (best overall)

BAS40-05 CC dual, 100pS, 5pF (cheap)
BAT54C CC dual, 5nS, 5pF
BAV70 CC dual, 4nS, 5pF
HSMS-2804 CC dual, 100pS, 2pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2814 CC dual, 100pS, 1.2pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2824 CC dual, 100pS, 1pF (expensive, scarce)

BAS40-06 CA dual, 100pS, 5pF (cheap)
BAT54A CA dual, 5nS, 5pF
HSMS-2803 CA dual, 100pS, 2pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2813 CA dual, 100pS, 1.2pF (expensive, scarce)
HSMS-2823 CA dual, 100pS, 1pF (expensive, scarce)

I managed to find some affordable HSMS-2804 diodes on eBay, so I'll have the opportunity to test those as well.

Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE