EMRFD Message Archive 4812

Message Date From Subject
4812 2010-07-21 08:19:48 bobtbobbo Transformer data
I am trying to get impedance information on some old small transistor audio transformers that I have. They only have the AR- # on top. They were made by the Argonne Electronics Mfg Corp and retailed by Lafayette Radio, both companies long defunct. An extensive internet search has yielded zip. I was wondering if there might be an old Lafayette Radio catalog in the someone's library. It would list the impedances by Argonne part #.

I am interested in:


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tnx.

Bob, K1AO
4813 2010-07-22 09:06:35 Ray Anderson Transformer data

I wasn't able to find data on the p/n's you listed, however about 15 minutes with Google came up with the following data on some other Argonne transformers. Perhaps the data might help out someone else someday.

P/N Z (pri to sec)

AR-107 15K to 200 ohms

AR-109 10K to 2K ct

AR-114 2.5K to 11 ohms

AR-119 500 ct to 3.2 ohms

AR-120 400 ct to 11 ohms

AR-504 100 to 200 ct


Transformer data <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emrfd/message/4812;_ylc=X3oDMTJyaDdoNXFxBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzE4MTc3Njc5BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MzEwOARtc2dJZAM0ODEyBHNlYwNkbXNnBHNsawN2bXNnBHN0aW1lAzEyNzk3OTY5NDI->

Posted by: "bobtbobbo" K1AO@arrl.net K1AO@arrl.net?Subject=%20Re%3ATransformer%20data> bobtbobbo <http://profiles.yahoo.com/bobtbobbo>

Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:19 am (PDT)


>I am trying to get impedance information on some old small transistor audio transformers that I have. They only have the AR- # on top. They >were made by the Argonne Electronics Mfg Corp and retailed by Lafayette Radio, both companies long defunct. An extensive internet search >has yielded zip. I was wondering if there might be an old Lafayette Radio catalog in the someone's library. It would list the impedances by >Argonne part #.

>I am interested in:
> help would be greatly appreciated. Tnx.
> Bob K1AO

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4814 2010-07-22 09:54:35 bobtbobbo Re: Transformer data
A big Thank You to everyone who provided the data I needed!

bob, K1AO