EMRFD Message Archive 4103

Message Date From Subject
4103 2010-01-30 20:17:19 jorschei LT5517 I&Q demodulator specs'
Hi John and others,

I used the LT5517 on 1.8 MHz bud not all will go so low.
The design is made for higher frequency's like mobile phone and set top boxes working on higher frequency's, so a marketing specification....?

The LT5598 is differend, shifting the VFO with a fase network and the VFO working on the RF output frequency so not 2 x HF VFO input and me be bad working lower than 5 MHz. (capacitors insite the network)

See the info of the KTH-SDR on Rob's side below.


73" Joris PE1KTH
4140 2010-02-01 14:20:06 Justin Re: LT5517 I&Q demodulator specs'
I plan to use the AD9854 DDS with both the LT5517 and LT5598 so getting the correct frequency will not be a problem.

I plan to test the LT5598