EMRFD Message Archive 4059
Message Date From Subject 4059 2010-01-20 18:49:20 ham@i-zoom.net Ceramic resonators Hi John / W8GXU, and Stephen/VE7NSD
I have some 7.02 ceramic
resonators (SFE7.02MC2)
They can be bent quite a ways, but not
to 7.15. Perhaps but not sure. 7.04 for sure, tho.
These were very
hard to acquire.
Anyone interested?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]4061 2010-01-21 07:13:23 john sakellakis Re: Ceramic resonators Hi Peter... Thanks for replying. Basically , I want to make a VXO to cover the CW portion on 40 meters. My ideal range would be 7-005 to 7.05 MHZ. A 7.15MHZ would be very good. With capacitive padding, it can easily be brought down to the desired range. Your 7.02 mhz ceramics might work in a "super vxo" circuit. two or more resonators in Paralelll Let me know off list how many you have.... thanks 73 John W8GXU