EMRFD Message Archive 3470
Message Date From Subject 3470 2009-08-12 22:31:27 Rick Regens etc. Tim is right about regens and other simple receivers: they are certainly fun. They also teach some subtle principles of the radio art that are missed by folks who limit their experiences to more complicated approaches.
The regen listener has an active role, always touching up a control to dig the weak ones out. The experiments continue with headphones and antenna connected.
I wouldn't choose a regen to operate during a contest weekend--but using one as part of a simple station to work all states would be an interesting exercise for a skillful and patient radioman.
Have fun,
Rick KK7B3471 2009-08-13 04:59:45 rcbuckiii Re: Regens etc. I haven't used a regen since 1964 when I had a Heathkit lunchbox 6 meter rig. I guess that gives away my age. Hi :-)
I'll try several different approaches before I finally settle on one. I may still setttle3472 2009-08-13 07:49:54 Rick Re: Regens etc. The Heathkit VHF lunchboxes use a Superregen, which is a mutation of the basic regen circuit and quite a different animal. Superregen receivers are still commmon in garage door openers and radio-controlled toys. I have used them too, but my memories of them are less fond, hi.
There are many receiver architectures, and I highly recommend exploring a number of different ones. Each has unique attributes, and sometimes brick-wall limitations that may not apply in a particular application. A simple receiver will often outperform a more complicated one when dedicated to a single band and mode.
Best Regards,
Rick KK7B
3479 2009-08-16 18:55:37 Jerry Palsson Re: Regens etc. Regens ARE a lot of fun. I recently built the Scout Regen from Hendricks QRPKits. For the uninitiated, it's an easy build and a fairly inexpensive introducti3480 2009-08-16 19:58:32 chuck adams Re: Regens etc. On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 01:55 +0000, Jerry Palsson wrote:
>I too enjoy the Scout Regen and I have built a
> Regens ARE a lot of fun. I recently built the Scout Regen from
> Hendricks QRPKits. For the uninitiated, it's an easy build and a
> fairly inexpensive introduction to how a regen works. My next one will
> be scratch-built though. I've just got to re-live some of the joy of
> the 1920s. :)
> Jerry AA6KI
Paul Harden, NA5N, Desert Ratt II Regen. For those
that want to start with a working circuit in order
to build from scratch, here is
the link to Paul's web page and down the page
is the reference.
>Now is the time to start building before the winter
> http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~pharden/hobby/Hobby.shtml
season sets in and the QRN dies down in the
northern hemisphere.
My first kit that I built as a teenager in West Texas
was a Bandspanner from Knightkit and I spent many an
hour listening to the AM Broadcast bands looking
for the "X" and found some good blues and rock & roll
stations across the country. Those were the days..... :-)
I don't think my memory has decayed enough to forget
the mfgr and name, but then again ...
chuck, k7qo3481 2009-08-16 21:36:38 Sam Morgan Re: Regens etc. chuck adams wrote:
> My first kit that I built as a teenager in West TexasAllied
> was a Bandspanner from Knightkit and I spent many an
> hour listening to the AM Broadcast bands looking
> for the "X" and found some good blues and rock & roll
> stations across the country. Those were the days..... :-)
> I don't think my memory has decayed enough to forget
> the mfgr and name, but then again ...
GB & 73
Sam Morgan3482 2009-08-16 21:44:40 Sam Morgan Re: Regens etc. chuck adams wrote:
> My first kit that I built as a teenager in West Texaswas my 1st kit also, but mine was called the Space Spanner Shortwave radio
> was a Bandspanner from Knightkit and I spent many an
> hour listening to the AM Broadcast bands looking
> for the "X" and found some good blues and rock & roll
> stations across the country. Those were the days..... :-)
> I don't think my memory has decayed enough to forget
> the mfgr and name, but then again ...
> chuck, k7qo
GB & 73
Sam Morgan3484 2009-08-17 18:48:37 Jerry Palsson Re: Regens etc. I have the Space Spanner, but it's3490 2009-08-21 07:15:32 jshadle.geo Re: Regens etc. I just finished building the TenTec 9-band regen receiver. It's a great kit, and the radio works very well. It's not much good as a communications receiver (too hard to tune SSB) but it pulls in the world AM shortwave stations really well. It willl be a lot better when (if) we ever get out of the bottom of the sunspot hole.
John AC0CX3491 2009-08-21 11:35:35 timshoppa Ten Tec 1253 Regen (was Re: Regens etc.) 3492 2009-08-21 11:50:34 chuck adams Re: Ten Tec 1253 Regen (was Re: Regens etc.) Here is a link to most of the Ten Tec manuals, or so
they claim.
Here is a link I found for the build and the schematic
of the TT1253 reg receiver.
Hope this helps, although not directly related to the
material in EMRFD.