EMRFD Message Archive 3275
Message Date From Subject 3275 2009-06-30 12:56:34 Ashhar Farhan JBOT - Just a bunch of transistors as a linear amp. I just finished posting a low power linear amplifier that I have been
playing around with.
Here is the link http://www.phonestack.com/farhan/jbot.html
Though I have documented the circuit with FT 37-43s, I haven't build a
version with them. I hope someone builds one with them ...
- farhan3277 2009-06-30 13:35:30 Chris Trask Re: JBOT - Just a bunch of transistors as a linear amp. >Nice design, especially the inclusion of the emitter degenerating
> I just finished posting a low power linear amplifier that I have been
> playing around with.
> Here is the link http://www.phonestack.com/farhan/jbot.html
> Though I have documented the circuit with FT 37-43s, I haven't build a
> version with them. I hope someone builds one with them ...
resistors in the final so that you don't have to go to the trouble of
matching transistors. And nice usage of series/shunt feedback in the driver
I might substitute an additional 2N2218 and series resistor for the
diode so that the biasing tracks closely with temperature.
,----------------------. High Performance Mixers and
/ What's all this \ Amplifiers for RF Communications
/ extinct stuff, anyhow? /
\ _______,--------------' Chris Trask / N7ZWY
_3477 2009-08-15 05:19:21 drmail377 Re: JBOT - Just a bunch of transistors as a linear amp. 3478 2009-08-15 06:36:41 Ashhar Farhan Re: JBOT - Just a bunch of transistors as a linear amp. david,
you could use two stacked FT37-43s i am told (i havent personally used
these). you can find quite a few pictures of the tv balun on the bitx
group. here is one picture from my site
http://phonestack.com/farhan/balunpic.jpg . you can directly mail me
on afarhan@gmail.com to avoid 'noise' on the group.
- farhan