EMRFD Message Archive 3239
Message Date From Subject 3239 2009-06-26 13:12:22 Wes Hayward Matched amplifiers for BITX Hello all,
I just added some material to my web site. The report is one that Bob Kopski (k3nhi) and I put together to describe some experimental and even modeling work that we have been doing. The title of the report is "A Termination Insensitive Amplifier for Bidirectional Transceivers." To read the piece, merely go to http://w7zoi.net/ and click on the stylized drawing that you see.
Many thanks to Ashhar Farhan, VU3ICQ, for his participation in this effort. It was not our goal to criticize his outstanding work on the BITX transceivers. Rather, what we wanted to do was to help to extend it to a next level.
73, Wes
w7zoi3243 2009-06-27 15:42:21 joop_l Re: Matched amplifiers for BITX