EMRFD Message Archive 3197

Message Date From Subject
3197 2009-06-17 09:37:35 Ashhar Farhan Mounting old variable capacitors et al
We all have our junk box full of goodies that we cannot mount because
of missing screws and mounting kits. I have found a brute force way
out of my misery. A set of 3 taps (for B3 screws) and the tap handle
came to a total of 100 rupees (two dollars) from the local tools

Back home, it took me a minute to tap new threads for the standard B3
screws on all my beauties including a BC-458 monster. I recommend a
tap in every tool box. It also quite useful to be able to drill a
large hole, hammer in a brass rivet and then tap a B3 thread onto it.

- farhan
3198 2009-06-17 11:06:28 Stephen Wandling Re: Mounting old variable capacitors et al

Thank you for this. Many of us have become spoiled by living in a world
that seems to offer us anything we want, whenever we want it. The great
danger in this is the loss of our creativity. I could say "the lack of
necessity is the loss of invention"?

Not only have you given us a valuable idea that many of us can use
immediately, you have reminded us that if we stop and think for a
moment, there are creative answers to many, if not most, of what we see
as 'problems'. Arnie Coro, CO2KK, also offers us similar suggestions,
as he lives where necessity is still a priority element in one's life.
A part of me envies you both.

Thank you.


Ashhar Farhan wrote:
> We all have our junk box full of goodies that we cannot mount because
> of missing screws and mounting kits. I have found a brute force way
> out of my misery. A set of 3 taps (for B3 screws) and the tap handle
> came to a total of 100 rupees (two dollars) from the local tools
> supply.
> Back home, it took me a minute to tap new threads for the standard B3
> screws on all my beauties including a BC-458 monster. I recommend a
> tap in every tool box. It also quite useful to be able to drill a
> large hole, hammer in a brass rivet and then tap a B3 thread onto it.
> - farhan
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