EMRFD Message Archive 2873

Message Date From Subject
2873 2009-04-06 12:06:46 Stan Toroid link coil placing question
Does it make any difference in the efficient of a link (secondary) coupling where the link is placed in relationship to the hot (Rf end) or cold (power or ground end) of the primary inductor? The coils are wound on a T50-2 toroid.

Thanks, Stan ak0b
2876 2009-04-06 13:37:35 Graham / KE9H Re: Toroid link coil placing question

Inter winding capacitance will have less effect if you
wind it on the cold end. That is, the winding to winding
voltage will be less, so less parasitic coupling.

2877 2009-04-07 06:54:09 leon Heller Re: Toroid link coil placing question
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