EMRFD Message Archive 2594

Message Date From Subject
2594 2009-01-16 19:14:34 Sam Morgan feed through caps and multi-hole aperture core ferrite beads
I am looking for the following:

0.01uF feed through capacitor
and ferrite bead (6 hole-aperture core)

any help?

also any pointers about what size feed through cap sizes
are used for what applications?
I mentioned the 0.01uf above,
just because the specs for my current project mentioned the value.
GB & 73
Sam Morgan
Linux, the lifetime learning experience.
2600 2009-01-17 15:39:51 ha5rxz Re: feed through caps and multi-hole aperture core ferrite beads
If you build your boxes out of PCB material it is possible to create
your own feed through capacitors. Drill a 4mm hole in the box and then
assemble four 1206 SMT capacitors in a cross with the center over the
hole, do the same