EMRFD Message Archive 2419
Message Date From Subject 2419 2008-11-18 14:42:40 ha5rxz PLL Will Not Lock I am experimenting with a basic phased locked loop based on the
circuits shown in EMRFD, my problem is that the PLL will not lock. I
am using a 45 MHz VCO which is divided by nine and then compared at
the phase detector with a 5 MHz reference.
The 5 MHz and 45 MHz oscillators are providing the right levels and
the divider is working. The only thing I am not sure of is what
happens if a phase detector has a signal on one of the inputs which
does not have a 50/50 mark space ratio. The output from the divide by
nine is low for eight input cycles and high for one.
Is this my problem and (if so) how do I divide an oscillator by nine
and get a 50/50 output?
HA5RXZ2422 2008-11-18 14:46:41 leon Heller Re: PLL Will Not Lock ----- Original Message -----
2426 2008-11-19 18:12:19 timshoppa Re: PLL Will Not Lock 2428 2008-11-19 18:12:20 Ashhar Farhan Re: PLL Will Not Lock the easy way to get a square waveform is to divide both your
fequencies by two using a d flip flop.
keep your ref frequency at 2.5mhz instead of 5.
the other way is to pass them both through half-wave filters.
- f
On 11/18/08, ha5rxz <ha5rxz@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am experimenting with a basic phased locked loop based on the
> circuits shown in EMRFD, my problem is that the PLL will not lock. I
> am using a 45 MHz VCO which is divided by nine and then compared at
> the phase detector with a 5 MHz reference.
> The 5 MHz and 45 MHz oscillators are providing the right levels and
> the divider is working. The only thing I am not sure of is what
> happens if a phase detector has a signal on one of the inputs which
> does not have a 50/50 mark space ratio. The output from the divide by
> nine is low for eight input cycles and high for one.
> Is this my problem and (if so) how do I divide an oscillator by nine
> and get a 50/50 output?
>2429 2008-11-19 19:33:18 Allison Parent Re: PLL Will Not Lock 2432 2008-11-20 16:00:15 ha5rxz Re: PLL Will Not Lock Thank you for all of the replies.
The circuit I am using for a phase detector appears on page 4.20 of
EMRFD and is marked Figure 4.39. There is an SBL-1 used as the phase
detector with an LM358 based filter following this. The reference
signal and the divided VCO can be applied to either input as the
inputs are interchangable.
The output of the LM358 shows a DC signal at about 6v which is
modulated by what appears to be random rubbish. By removing the output
of the divider and feeding the second input with the output of my
signal generator the output of the phase detector is clean so I think
this is a divider problem.
There are lots of patents relating to odd number dividers but not much
clear information. I'm not a digital engineer so I need to go slowly
with this part. I can read data sheets and follow schematics but
that's just about it. The idea of using a 2.5 MHz reference and
dividing by eighteen is an interesting one but I don't have a 2.5 MHz
crystal handy.
HA5RXZ2433 2008-11-20 18:45:51 Wes Hayward Re: PLL Will Not Lock Hi Peter, et al,
Well, I suspect that the problems you have found with the PLL have to
do with the diode ring phase detector that you are using. This is
very much a phase detector, and not phase-frequency. It wants to
see signals over the whole operating cycle of both inputs. So, I
would run your present signals through low pass filters to get rid of
most of the sharp edges. You may then have to amplify the results
to get them up closer to the +7 dBm level that I used in the
experiment presented in the book.
That particular experiment used N=1. That is, it was just a 1