EMRFD Message Archive 2225
Message Date From Subject 2225 2008-10-10 12:56:26 brainerd@wildblue... UHFSDR Opto couper I think I found a good reasonable priced opto coupler. The 6N137 claims to handle
10Mbps. DigiKey has them for $0.78 quantity 1. It will take 2 for the SDA bidirectional line
and 1 for the input only SCL line.
Dave - WB6DHW
<http://wb6dhw.com>2226 2008-10-10 16:59:22 Eduardo Alonso Re: UHFSDR Opto couper Hello Dave,
Today I have impressed all your documentation to study it.
Do you know "icoupler" technology from analog devices?
adum1250 is a I2C isolator for $3.42
73 from Catalonia,