EMRFD Message Archive 1651
Message Date From Subject 1651 2008-05-23 09:28:22 richj_focus Need a power standad Group:
I am building the PIC power meter from Kanga and it need a 7dBm
calibration source. I have a calibrated 0 dBm source so what amp
would one seggest to give me exactly 7 dB of gain?
rich1656 2008-05-23 11:43:32 John Shepherd Re: Need a power standad Rich
M3 Electronics offers a useful 10 MHz. Calibration Source, for $95, at:
This will give you 0 dBm and -30 dBm. If you calibrate using these two
points, I believe that the Kanga meter will extrapolate to +7 dBm.
1664 2008-05-24 00:35:38 Hari G Re: Need a power standad Rich ,
Some time back there was an article by K3NHI on a power source using
a 10MHZ can oscillator , with a multimeter or a oscilloscope you can
calibrate that for -20dbm.And if you have a good 10db attn you you get
-30dbm also .
Iam using that for calibrating my power meter.
Best Regards
On 5/23/08, John Shepherd <john@eternalchaos.com> wrote:
> Rich
> M3 Electronics offers a useful 10 MHz. Calibration Source, for $95, at:
> http://www.m3electronix.com/rfcal.html
> This will give you 0 dBm and -30 dBm. If you calibrate using these two
> points, I believe that the Kanga meter will extrapolate to +7 dBm.
> John