EMRFD Message Archive 14793

Message Date From Subject
14793 2018-05-14 21:19:08 gabichris2002 Bidirectional amplifiers
Hello Group, I 'd like to share a link about a very interesting Qrp using bidirectional amp's like those described on page 6.61 fig 6.110. It's a LU1AGP's design. I build the main board and It works great!.


I hope you enjoy it.
Best regards.
14794 2018-05-14 21:19:19 gabichris2002 Bidirectional amplifiers
Hello group!. I'd like to share a link about a very interesting QRP called "El Lagunero" designed by LU1AGP. It uses bidirectional amp's like those described on page 6.61 fig 6.110. I have built the main board and It works great!. ( I uploaded a very short video on youtube , look for my callsign there if you would like to see it.).


It's a very interesting blog. I hope you like it.
Best regards.
LW4EHU. Gabriel.