EMRFD Message Archive 14788
Message Date From Subject 14788 2018-05-14 21:18:18 zf2scka9p Final Tracks in the sand for the next guy/gal on FAR Circuits' HyCas Thanks to Jim, N8ACH's guidance, I managed to get the FAR HyCas board debugged and running well today.If you plan on using the FAR board, an easy way to deal with the anomalies would be to look at the top side of the excellent original board pic on Wes' site, compare each grounded circular land on his board to the FAR board, note the discrepant lands, and then complete the missing grounds before stuffing the board.The issues were obvious in hindsight when I looked back at Wes' pic, but I never thought to compare the two before starting...it was a bit more challenging to straighten things out after the board was stuffed :)73 Scott