EMRFD Message Archive 14503

Message Date From Subject
14503 2018-01-09 18:43:13 Jim Strohm 2018 ARRL Handbook
I got this a week or so back, and had a chance to look at a little tonight.

It's supposed to be "new and improved" -- I noticed that it had been rearranged some since last year, and there was a lot of new-to-this edition content.

I also moticed that it had a whole lot of copy-editing errors.  The technical issues with this kind of problem notwithstanding, does anybody here have any experience with getting copy-editing errors in the Handbook fixed? 

My take on it is -- there are SO MANY errors that if I were to do a cover-to-cover read just for copy-editing errors, I'd want my name on the copyright page. 

And although I'm an ARRL life member, my overall experience has been that unless I send money, they don't want to hear from me.  Does anybody else here have a different experience?

Perhaps more importantly, do we have any board members or elected reps of the ARRL lurking here?  If yes, AND if you'd like me to help make the Handbook better, please contact me off-list.

I'm going to get out my editor's pencil and start working anyway (I do this mostly for fun) and will formally contact some of the people on the copyright page in a few days, as well as my elected reps, to see whether some of these horrid mistakes can be corrected.

Jim N6OTQ  
14504 2018-01-09 19:55:39 chuck adams Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook
Jim et al,

This is a common problem with their publications.  Ward Silver, N0AX, is the
editor.  Might start with him first.  See if he takes credit for the mistakes.

If you want help, let me know.  Just give me a chapter to do and I will get
back to you by Sunday or a deadline you specify.

May I suggest you ask for other people to also step in to help to reduce your
work load?  I will send you my list of errors found for the chapter you assign.
Of course, this will entail a lot of work on the part of the volunteers and we
will be doing the work that the ARRL should have done correctly the first
time and they get paid for it.  I'd ask for help and publish the list of
volunteers here and what else is needed. 

They screwed the revised printing of EMRFD with lots of blank spacing for
bold or italic print in one or more of the chapters plus another pile of
errors that Wes and others have noted and the ARRL ignored a lot of
them.  IMHO.

I helped rewrite a chapter back in the 1995 HB and got credit for the work and
some funding, but they have since given the credit to others or removed it.  Not a way
to win friends.

You could start up a web page and publish the work first and let the ham
population know just what they are getting.  Spread the word around.
This is the age of the Internet.

Just a thought from here.  If I'm out of line, I apologize.

chuck, k7qo, an unhappy camper  :-)

14508 2018-01-16 09:11:31 lawrence_joy Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook
Hello fellow technical publications readers,
I did a cover to cover edit of EMRFD First Edition that was incorporated into the Revised First Edition. My name and callsign are listed as a proofreader. I have also written edits and made comments about articles in QEX and QST plus the ARRL Antenna Book and the ARRL Handbook. Ward Silver, N0AX; Kai Siwiak, KE4PT; and Steve Ford, WB8IMY know me well.

My expertise is the proper use of SI, schematic reference designations IAW ANSI/ASME Y14.44, and class letter assignment IAW IEEE 315 clause 22.

I would be glad to lend a hand. Send e-mail directly to me at .

73 de 9V1MI/WN8P, Larry
14509 2018-01-16 18:30:45 Jim Strohm Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook

You may be too close to the ARRL to be able to do a fair proofread of the 2018 Handbook.

But if you think you may be up to the task, please take a good hard look at the prefatory matter and the first two chapters, and share what you've found.  Both in my private email and here on EMRFD.

In my early read, I specifically omitted verification of the table of contents, because it should have been auto-generated and should match identically with the content it references. 



14510 2018-01-16 21:09:26 Rob Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook errors
I received EMRFD today from ARRL.
Is there a list of errors I need to track down for EMRFD?

73 Rob KB3BYT

14515 2018-01-17 11:09:47 Jim Strohm Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook errors
Hi Rob

I haven't looked at EMRFD for any kind of errors -- but I'd be more concerned about technical errors in such a work than typos or grammar misuse. 

After I finish the 2018 Handbook, I'll look -- but EMRFD may be up for a new edition, given how loudly we all complained and how quickly the League reprinted it.  My edition of EMRFD is several years old.

Given the overall context of the book, I'd be much more dismayed by "2N3904" being replaced by "2N3906" than by finding a grammatical error. 

And in truth -- I am the first to admit that my first drafts (especially my emails) ALWAYS contain misspellings, typos, and so forth.  That's why we have editors, and why major publishing houses hire them.  Those errors shouldn't appear in print in major hardcopy publications.


14516 2018-01-17 11:40:00 John Lawson Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook errors
Jim and Rob. Wes has the corrections to the different editions of EMRFD posted on his website....EMRFD is now being sold by the League under it's Classic books which includes digital copies of SSD and IRFD on the CD  included with the book, but no software.. John K5IRK

Sent from my iPad

14739 2018-05-03 09:16:01 aa6recalifornia Re: 2018 ARRL Handbook
They do have an errata page for the 2018 HBK so if you mark up a page and send I am sure they will review and take action.

I have sent in information on web page broken links etc and always gotten a response.

Dave, AA6RE