EMRFD Message Archive 14497
Message Date From Subject 14497 2018-01-09 07:54:46 Ravi Miranda Reverse polarity protection Diode Hi,
What would be the best way to select an optimal reverse polarity
protection diode? This is for use in a VHF RF amplifier, with 13,8v
as the input voltage and the current drawn should be 10A.
I was considering STPS30M80CG-TR Dual SMT which may be too much for
the present circuit. Alternatively, there is VBT3080S-E3. Would 1N5408
x 2 be good enough? or should I consider a FET Si4838DY or FQP47P06?
Would something like the FQP or equivalent require the 10v zener from
Source to Ground?
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrB-FPcv1Dc
Thank you for your time.
Best 73,
I'm here to add more value to the world than I'm using up.14498 2018-01-09 08:22:28 Roelof Bakker Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Hello Ravi,
Have you considered using a P-Channel Mosfet?
There is no voltage drop as when using a diode.
Roelof Bakker, pa0rdt14499 2018-01-09 08:57:26 Ravi Miranda Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Hi Roelof,Yes, I have listed those in the original post, (Si4838DY or FQP47P06), but after looking at RSonline (as a an example), I chose the parametersMaximum Continuous Drain Current to be between 10A and 15A, should this be higher?andMaximum Drain Source Resistance between 0.01 ohm and 0.02 ohm is this ok? or should I go higher to 0.3 ohm? trying to keep the price point low.Even if I did choose a FET that was >10A and RDS < 0.3 ohm, would I still need the 6 - 12 v zener from Source to Ground?Sorry about the large amount of questions.Kind regards,Ravi14500 2018-01-09 09:05:09 Jim Strohm Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode With an input voltage of 13.8VDC, a 1N34 could be adequate.Since the protection diode needs to flow only enough current to pop the fuse, the single-cycle maximum current rating for the diode should be sufficient.Hence, if you read your datasheet the right way, a 1N4148 would be more than adequate, assuming a fast blow fuse rated at a few amps.14501 2018-01-09 09:42:41 John Marshall Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Ravi,
Let’s use the information in the video you referenced to evaluate the parts you listed.
STPS30M80CG-TR Dual SMT - each diode handles 15A forward current so no problem there. Forward voltage drop at 10A looks like about 0.57V so dissipation will be 5.7 Watts, less depending on your amp’s duty cycle. That’s heat and lost power. The video warns about reverse leakage current in Shottky diodes. This one is spec’d at 40 uA max at 25 deg C, which is fine, but it’s 25 mA at 125 deg C. You would have to run the amp hard enough to raise the diode’s temperature, then reverse the polarity while it was still hot and even then 25 mA might not be a problem.
VBT3080S-E3 - Handles 30A and dissipation similar to the STPS30M80CG, heat and lost power. Reverse leakage is good at 25 C but 45 mA at 125 C.
1N5408 x 2 - Maximum forward current for these is 3 A per diode so you would need at least 4 in parallel. Forward voltage drop is 1.2 V so dissipation is more than twice that of the Shottkys. Also, diode’s V/I characteristics aren’t identical so you can’t be sure they will share current equally.
FQP47P06 - P-channel MOSFET, can handle 33A. On resistance is 0.026 ohm so it only dissipates 0.26 W at 10 A. Gate-Source voltage is plus/minus 25 so no problem there. This looks very capable.
Si4838DY - N-channel MOSFET. Since this is an N-channel device it won’t work in the circuit shown in the video.
Regarding the 10V zener, you shouldn’t need it with the FQP47P06 because of its Vgs spec. If you were to use a device with a lower spec, connect the zener between gate and source, as shown in the video.
AD5X has published another simple way to protect your amp. It uses a transient suppressor diode and fuses to provide reverse polarity and over voltage protection: < http://www.ad5x.com/images/Articles/Vprotect.pdf >.
Hope this helps,
John, KU4AF
Pittsboro, NC
>14505 2018-01-09 22:11:41 Raj Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Ravi,
For 10A use a POLARIZED relay to switch the power on/off. You will need only a low
current switch for the relay and the relay will not operate when the polarity is reversed.
That protects the VHF amp.
This method is used in many commercial rigs!
Cheers & HNY
At 09/01/2018, you wrote:
>What would be the best way to select an optimal reverse polarity
>protection diode? This is for use in a VHF RF amplifier, with 13,8v
>as the input voltage and the current drawn should be 10A.
>I was considering STPS30M80CG-TR Dual SMT which may be too much for
>the present circuit. Alternatively, there is VBT3080S-E3. Would 1N5408
>x 2 be good enough? or should I consider a FET Si4838DY or FQP47P06?
>Would something like the FQP or equivalent require the 10v zener from
>Source to Ground?
>Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrB-FPcv1Dc
>Thank you for your time.
>Best 73,
>Ravi14511 2018-01-17 09:16:01 Frank Dinger Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Good advice using a P-Channel MOSFET for polarity protection .I use a P-Channel MOSFET to switch-on an ARDF receiver , when plugging-in the headphones.Ref ARDF rx by DL4CU.Frank , GM0CSZ / KN6WH14512 2018-01-17 09:16:48 Frank Dinger Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Good advice using a P-Channel MOSFET for polarity protection .I use a P-Channel MOSFET to switch-on an ARDF receiver , by plugging-in the headphones.Ref ARDF rx from DL4CUFrank , GM0CSZ / KN6WH14517 2018-01-17 20:32:14 mosaicmerc Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Have a look at my project here:
It is designed for a lower current RF device but the principles are the same to scale up to handle more power.
The PFETs would need an upgrade.14524 2018-01-23 14:15:23 Ravi Miranda Re: Reverse polarity protection Diode Thank you all for your suggestions. I have incorporated the FET + zener + resistor model for this design.I hope to receive the boards within the next 4 weeks. Will test and let you all know the results.Ravi