EMRFD Message Archive 14058

Message Date From Subject
14058 2017-06-24 17:30:53 Vern VanZ Ebay DDS VFO board
Hi all,

Has anyone here, any experience with this board? :

14059 2017-06-24 17:39:58 Vern VanZ Re: Ebay DDS VFO board
14060 2017-06-24 18:32:42 DuWayne Schmidlko... Re: Ebay DDS VFO board
There is a fairly large Facebook group for those building this
transceiver. Quite a large amount of documentation available in their
file section. Here is the name of the group.
SSB 6.1 multiband RxTx kit by Indo-ware (ebay.com)

DuWayne KV4QB

14061 2017-06-25 01:45:34 Weddig, Henning-C... Re: Ebay DDS VFO board
I too bought this pcb at the beginning of this year.

The design Comes from ham Radio India 
There is a second board available without the extra buttons.

My observation:
the output signal is not a clear sine, but a bunch of Signals due to an oscillating output amplifier--- my guess a design error. Please have a look on the output stage