EMRFD Message Archive 1371
Message Date From Subject 1371 2008-01-25 01:10:22 sm5glc Guanella, Ruthroff et al I did check my stack of old paper and realized I am missing the
Guanella paper too! I would be really surprised if ABB still have a
copy of that article... BTW the HQ is in Switzerland, not Sweden!
What I do have is the following:
Some Broad-Band Transformers
C L Ruthroff, Proc of the IRE 1959
Wide Band Balanced and Screened Trnasformers
M M Maddox, J D Storer, Electronic Engineering 1957
Broadband Transfomer Desing for RF Transistor Power Amplifiers
O Pitzalis T P M Couse, Unknown Publisher Proc IEEE???
Designing Toroidal Transformers to Optimize Wideband Performance
H L Krauss C W Allen, Electronics 1973
These are all ageing copies, but I might be able to reproduce for
someone having interest in the subject.
Lasse SM5GLC1372 2008-01-25 05:44:30 w4zcb77 Re: Guanella, Ruthroff et al What I do have is the following:
>GM Lasse. Another pair of wonderful papers on the subject, are the
> Some Broad-Band Transformers
> C L Ruthroff, Proc of the IRE 1959
> Wide Band Balanced and Screened Trnasformers
> M M Maddox, J D Storer, Electronic Engineering 1957
Philips Semi application Notes ECO 7213 and ECO 6907. "Design of HF
wideband power transformers Parts 1 and 2". I don't have a URL for them
right off hand, but you should be able to Google them. If push comes to
shove, I can scan them and send them along, although probably better
done by snail mail, they're pretty comprehensive.
W4ZCB1373 2008-01-25 06:55:11 Frank Booth Re: Guanella, Ruthroff et al i would like to get a copy of them email or somthing
sm5glc <lasse.moell@swipnet.se> wrote:
I did check my stack of old paper and realized I am missing the
Guanella paper too! I would be really surprised if ABB still have a
copy of that article... BTW the HQ is in Switzerland, not Sweden!
What I do have is the following:
Some Broad-Band Transformers
C L Ruthroff, Proc of the IRE 1959
Wide Band Balanced and Screened Trnasformers
M M Maddox, J D Storer, Electronic Engineering 1957
Broadband Transfomer Desing for RF Transistor Power Amplifiers
O Pitzalis T P M Couse, Unknown Publisher Proc IEEE???
Designing Toroidal Transformers to Optimize Wideband Performance
H L Krauss C W Allen, Electronics 1973
These are all ageing copies, but I might be able to reproduce for
someone having interest in the subject.
Lasse SM5GLC
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