EMRFD Message Archive 1371

Message Date From Subject
1371 2008-01-25 01:10:22 sm5glc Guanella, Ruthroff et al
I did check my stack of old paper and realized I am missing the
Guanella paper too! I would be really surprised if ABB still have a
copy of that article... BTW the HQ is in Switzerland, not Sweden!

What I do have is the following:

Some Broad-Band Transformers
C L Ruthroff, Proc of the IRE 1959

Wide Band Balanced and Screened Trnasformers
M M Maddox, J D Storer, Electronic Engineering 1957

Broadband Transfomer Desing for RF Transistor Power Amplifiers
O Pitzalis T P M Couse, Unknown Publisher Proc IEEE???

Designing Toroidal Transformers to Optimize Wideband Performance
H L Krauss C W Allen, Electronics 1973

These are all ageing copies, but I might be able to reproduce for
someone having interest in the subject.

Lasse SM5GLC
1372 2008-01-25 05:44:30 w4zcb77 Re: Guanella, Ruthroff et al
What I do have is the following:
> Some Broad-Band Transformers
> C L Ruthroff, Proc of the IRE 1959
> Wide Band Balanced and Screened Trnasformers
> M M Maddox, J D Storer, Electronic Engineering 1957

GM Lasse. Another pair of wonderful papers on the subject, are the
Philips Semi application Notes ECO 7213 and ECO 6907. "Design of HF
wideband power transformers Parts 1 and 2". I don't have a URL for them
right off hand, but you should be able to Google them. If push comes to
shove, I can scan them and send them along, although probably better
done by snail mail, they're pretty comprehensive.

1373 2008-01-25 06:55:11 Frank Booth Re: Guanella, Ruthroff et al
i would like to get a copy of them email or somthing

sm5glc <lasse.moell@swipnet.se> wrote:
I did check my stack of old paper and realized I am missing the
Guanella paper too! I would be really surprised if ABB still have a
copy of that article... BTW the HQ is in Switzerland, not Sweden!

What I do have is the following:

Some Broad-Band Transformers
C L Ruthroff, Proc of the IRE 1959

Wide Band Balanced and Screened Trnasformers
M M Maddox, J D Storer, Electronic Engineering 1957

Broadband Transfomer Desing for RF Transistor Power Amplifiers
O Pitzalis T P M Couse, Unknown Publisher Proc IEEE???

Designing Toroidal Transformers to Optimize Wideband Performance
H L Krauss C W Allen, Electronics 1973

These are all ageing copies, but I might be able to reproduce for
someone having interest in the subject.

Lasse SM5GLC

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