EMRFD Message Archive 13227

Message Date From Subject
13227 2016-10-28 11:04:41 Brooke Clarke Re: Looking for advice (and may WTB) -- coax crimp tools, connectors

While working with Power Pole connectors I checked out crimping and find it's far superior to soldering when done
correctly and for many government programs is required (i.e. soldering is not allowed).
There are two reasons for that:
1. Solder has more resistance than copper so for high current applications the only option is crimping.
2. Solder will wick together fine wire strands making the wire stiff close to the terminal. This can cause a broken
wire since the most flexing happens near the terminal.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke, N6GCE
The lesser of evils is still evil.

-------- Original Message --------
> Re: Looking for advice (and may WTB) -- coax crimp tools, connectors