EMRFD Message Archive 12693
Message Date From Subject 12693 2016-04-21 08:52:47 Rod KM6SN LA3PNA all pass board Greetings Thomas LA3PNA
Thank you for posting the allpass PCB design on July 29,2013.
I would like some information about the stages after the audio
gain balance pot. Is there a printed article you could refer me
Rod KM6SN12694 2016-04-21 09:26:22 Thomas S. Knutsen Re: LA3PNA all pass board I beleve the lecture was recorded, so perhaps one could get a copy.I must admit that I needed to go back into the discussions we did in 2013, there have been some projects after that.
The amplifiers are just that, regular inverting op-amp audio amplifiers. The first is the summing amplifier, the last is a regular audio amplifier. I beleve the capacitor C12 should be less than the value given in the schematic, this sets the bandwith of the amplifier. A quick simulation in any decent program (I preferar QUCS) would give gain and bandwith.Use good, low noise OP-AMPs and high presision resistors and capacitors to get the best preformance.My first board was used with a mixer chip at 1296MHz, if you are using a diode ring mixer you would probably need a common base amplifier to do the impedance matching at the IF. A decent common base amplifier should precent 50 ohms to the mixer from 100Hz or so to 50 or 100MHz, depending on device and gain.I beleve the inspiration for the board was a schematic in the lecture Rick KK7B did at FDIM in 2013, you can find the slides here: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~campbell/HardRockTalk.pdfI would also reccomend to look into the recent discussions on the R2PRO yahoo group. It has some great discussions on both a interesting mixer topology and on the allpass filters.The best reference I can think of is the EMRFD. In addition, there are gold in the e-mail archive both here and in the R2PRO group, But the most important part is to do the experiments! Audio amplifiers have the nice benefit that a computer with soudcard can give incredible analyzis tools with free software.73's de Thomas LA3PNA.2016-04-21 14:01 GMT+02:00 Rod KM6SN rod.km6sn@wildblue.net [emrfd] <emrfd@yahoogroups.com>:Greetings Thomas LA3PNA
Thank you for posting the allpass PCB design on July 29,2013.
I would like some information about the stages after the audio
gain balance pot. Is there a printed article you could refer me