EMRFD Message Archive 12505
Message Date From Subject 12505 2016-03-17 11:01:32 Vern VanZ Source for si570? Greetings to the group.I've decided I'd like to build my own copy of Farhan's 'reboot' of the specan, but am having some difficulty identifying an online (or otherwise) source for single quantities of the si570 chip. Is there a preferred online source? I've checked Mouser, DigiKey, Newark and Allied; as well as one or two kit sellers. Some list them, but in large minimum quantities, or several week lead times...My apology if I've missed something obvious.Thanks & 73,-VernN7GTBKennewick, WA.12506 2016-03-17 11:13:49 Phil Sittner Re: Source for si570? I got mine through sdr-kits.com. Takes a couple of weeks from Great Britain but they are reliable.
12507 2016-03-17 11:15:30 ve3ghm Re: Source for si570? if you don't mind eBay:
and here:
And I am sure there are others.
And failing all that, you might try asking Silicon Labs for a sample.
Be aware however, that there are a number of different versions of this
particular chip - CMOS and LVDS, and some will go to much higher
frequencies than others. None are more difficult to work with than any
other but you have to pay attention to the details.
cheers, Graham ve3gtc
12508 2016-03-17 11:21:37 Vern VanZ Re: Source for si570? Hi Phil,Thanks for the tip. I also just realize a simple way to search my saved emails from this group, and found some of the responses to this same question; asked back in October of last year...73,-VernN7GTBKennewick, WA12509 2016-03-17 11:35:17 chris grier Re: Source for si570? go to www.silabs.com and get free sample
Chris GM4YLN
12510 2016-03-17 11:43:28 Cecil Bayona Re: Source for si570? Take a look at Tom's KM5H website.
< http://km5h.softrockradio.org/index.php?route=product/category&path=35>
12511 2016-03-17 11:46:15 DuWayne Schmidlko... Re: Source for si570? I purchased some from KM5H. He has both CMOS and LVDS versions.
12512 2016-03-17 13:26:53 Dave Re: Source for si570? Vern:
Go to Silabs.com and register. Once registered, you can order 2 free samples at
You can either enter in a part number or enter in your specs. The Si570 is available in 3 speed grades. If they are free, might as well order the grade A. Several output formats are available(CMOS, LVDS, LVPECL, CML). You can specify a start-up frequency. You can also specify the I2C address(handy if you have more than one Si570 in your project). The default is 55H. It takes about 2 weeks to get the free samples.
You are about 200 miles from me. I am in Kooskia, ID (75 miles SE of Lewiston). My neighbor is from the Tri-Cities.
Dave - WB6DHW
12513 2016-03-17 14:20:16 mvs_sarma@ymail.c... Re: Source for si570? 570CAC000141DG Silicon La
bs12514 2016-03-18 10:21:29 Bill Carver Re: Source for si570? Digikey says they only sell unprogrammed Si570s.
When used on a board with a microcontroller, will that unprogrammed
Si570 operate properly, or MUST you have a device which has been programmed?
W7AAZ12515 2016-03-18 10:50:43 Dana Myers Re: Source for si570? 12516 2016-03-18 11:01:37 Bill Carver Re: Source for si570? Dana K6JQ sez........the Si570 datasheet talks about a "factory
default" value, which makes me think Digi-Key means "non-customized"
when they say "unprogrammed". The Si570 doesn't seem limited in terms of
programming via I2C:
If someone can confirm that a non-programmed Si570 is definitely fully
functional via its I2C interface, that would be another notch in the
Si570's belt.
W7AAZ12517 2016-03-18 14:44:10 Vern VanZ Re: Source for si570? Hi Dave,Thanks for the info on the si570. I'll register and get a couple headed my way..."You are about 200 miles from me. I am in Kooskia, ID (75 miles SE of Lewiston). My neighbor is from the Tri-Cities."I like Idaho. I've lived in 'Warshingtun' and (more specifically) the TriCities all my life. My paternal grandfather moved out to the old towns of White Bluffs and Hanford back around 1934, and there's been a Van Zandt in the area ever since (if you're not familiar with Hanford, just ask your neighbor).But the gun control in this state is getting too aggravatingly restrictive for my liking. The T.C. is also so full of transplants now, that I hardly recognize it anymore. My wife and I will be headed for Boise on the motorcycles for a big Victory rally there this July. Will likely be hot, but that's ok with me...73,-VernN7GTBKennewick, WA12518 2016-03-18 14:46:15 Vern VanZ Re: Source for si570? sorry to spam the entire group with this. I only intended it for Dave... still can't seem to work this damned yahoo email interface...73,-Vern12647 2016-04-12 23:24:53 Dana Myers Re: Source for si570?