EMRFD Message Archive 12468
Message Date From Subject 12468 2016-03-03 16:39:06 arfghans VNAView still available VNAView is a full-featured application that supports the N2PK VNA and has been available since 2008. It's based on LabVIEW and runs natively on Windows and Mac OSX using the regular G8KBB-supported USB interface. You can download the compiled applications, which only require the free LabVIEW run-time engine. Or you can get the LabVIEW development system and download the source code. It's free, and you are welcome to hack away at it. In fact, that's really the best way to use VNAView. It's trivial to customize the GUI, and nearly as easy to add new algorithms to process acquired data. I wrote it for me, but you can rewrite it for you.
Good news for potential LabVIEW users: National Instruments now offers a Home edition for only $50, with exactly the same functionality as the $3000 Full Development System. Info on where to buy that is on my website.
Gary NA6O