EMRFD Message Archive 12451
Message Date From Subject 12451 2016-02-27 06:33:50 Chris Trask Semiconductor News I only just learned that NXP (née Philips) has bought out Freescale Semiconductor, and they are running around announcing their newly acquired power RF line. This could be interesting. Perhaps Freescale (aka Freefall) will now have competent management. It would be nice if they would see fit to restore ALL of the old Motorola application notes to free online access.
Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE
http://www.home.earthlink.net/~christrask/12452 2016-02-27 06:43:06 Jim Kortge Re: Semiconductor News
12453 2016-02-27 06:47:11 Chris Trask Re: Semiconductor News >Most of the old Motorola RF power devices are being made by Microsemi. Motorola made some very nice bipolar RF power devices that competed directly with Philips back in the day.
>> I only just learned that NXP (née Philips) has bought
>>out Freescale Semiconductor, and they are running around
>>announcing their newly acquired power RF line. This could
>>be interesting. Perhaps Freescale (aka Freefall) will now
>>have competent management. It would be nice if they would
>>see fit to restore ALL of the old Motorola application
>>notes to free online access.
> I'd also like to see them restore all of the great RF Transistors
>that went with those application notes! :-)
Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE
http://www.home.earthlink.net/~christrask/12454 2016-02-27 07:01:58 Graham / KE9H Re: Semiconductor News --- GrahamChris:I think it was MA/COM, not Microsemi.
==12455 2016-02-27 07:06:47 Gene W5DOR Re: Semiconductor News