EMRFD Message Archive 12342
Message Date From Subject 12342 2016-02-11 14:15:26 Rod KM6SN Powerful data plotting program KST demo upload Hi All,
I have upload a file showing how to use the very powerful data plotting
program KST.
The zip file contains a .txt file of what to do, along with an example
data file, and
screen shots of every step in the setup process.
The data file was created with a homebrew Scalar Network Analyzer, which
of a W7ZOI power meter, an AD9850 DDS and an Arduino mini pro.
This example was constructed on a Linux platform: however, KST should run
the same in a Windows environment.
In a separate post, I will provide the PC program that reads the serial
port and
records the log file used as KST input.
Have fun,