EMRFD Message Archive 12087
Message Date From Subject 12087 2015-12-27 06:58:38 Bill Kelsey - N8E... Surface mount R2 I am SLOWLY working on a version of the uR2. It has taken me months to
learn Kicad, and I am finally getting the board laid out. I just have to
get the right footprints associated with the parts and it will be
ready.. I'll let you know when I've got it, but no promises - it takes
way longer than I think it will since my stroke!
I do have a few R2 kits/modules in stock right now however.
73 - Bill - N8ET12090 2015-12-27 21:06:03 David J Nushardt Re: Surface mount R2 Hi Bill, Nice to hear your working on stuff, good for you!
Take your time , its a hobby.
I was able to buy a unbuilt W7ZOI Spectrum Analyzer and am attempting to build it with my one good hand.
I'm giving myself a full year as there are things to learn along the way.
Keep up the good work!
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