EMRFD Message Archive 11808

Message Date From Subject
11808 2015-10-19 07:22:07 peter_dl8ov Reply From Analog Devices
Well, I have heard from Analog Devices about the DDS clock problem but it was not the reply I was expecting:

Unfortunately we are not able to support you personally in a timely manner. The support intensity of some of our more complex products and a steady increase in inquiries impacts our support services at this point in time. We are offering support for students, academics and private engineers through our Forum at EngineerZone.

Does anybody know of an alternative series of DDS chips where the manufacturer is willing to support their products?

Peter DL8OV

11809 2015-10-19 07:43:55 John Levreault Re: Reply From Analog Devices
Hi, Peter. The EngineerZone support forum at Analog Devices is very useful and
helpful. This is the way they support their products. The forum is frequented by
members of the Analog Devices technical applications staff, so you will get good
answers to your questions. As a result, answers are then shared publicly with
their large technical community, so you are helping others as well.

Many manufacturers are now using this approach, for the reasons that Analog stated.

de John NB1I