EMRFD Message Archive 1140

Message Date From Subject
1140 2007-11-03 13:59:12 Roger Hayward Yahoo Group Issues, Corrected (for now)

Approximately one day ago, it was called to our attention that the
Yahoo! EMRFD group had been "re-categorized" to a group involving
conversations not related to amateur radio. The new classification
was "of an adult nature," if you can extrapolate what that might mean.

This re-classification occurred by some 'bot' on behalf of Yahoo. I
hope that all of the participants of this group understand that we
would never intentionally do so.

The unfortunate side-effect of this re-classification was the presence
of banner ads showing up on the page, "of an adult nature."

Furthermore, those of you receiving EMRFD postings via email probably
did not see any postings, as these messages were most-likely tagged
according to the new classification.

I contacted Yahoo! immediately, and requested the groups
classification get corrected. I'm happy to report that they responded
within 15 hours of this request. (Not bad).

Now here comes the sad part. According to many postings found, the
re-classification may only be temporary. Yahoo scans the archives
quite regularly, to make sure material remains unobjectionable. The
pitfall that hits other groups is that unless the "objectionable
material" is removed, the group will just get re-classified back to
adult again (and then we'd have to start all over again).

If we encounter such a re-classification again, I will consider that
the last straw. If this group disappears on you without notice,
please consult w7zoi dot net or ka7exm dot net for an announcement of
where the group will continue. But for now, let's see what happens here.

Please note that all postings will be moderated for the time being as
a precaution. I'm hopeful that we can stay "on topic" for a while.
Let's melt some solder and start arguing about toroid windings again.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Roger Hayward KA7EXM -- EMRFD Moderator