EMRFD Message Archive 10686
Message Date From Subject 10686 2014-12-31 03:36:23 Ravi Miranda Help!! Problems with a Cub Frequency Counter [Off topic] Ravi/M0RVI73Hello Everyone!!Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2015!!
!'ve been given a poorly working Cub Mini frequency counter, on the 250Mhz range the display shows 0.00 pressing the GATE button the resolution changes, LED flashes, but the display still stays 0(zero)
On the 2.8GHz range the display shows 170Mhz or so with rapidly changing numbers.
Does anyone have the part number for the front end which I suspect is blown? I have used a TX on 144-146 Mhz to test if it works, the only way that I can get it to display the frequency is by holding the TX antenna about 2-3 inches away from the device.
--I'm here to add more value to the world than I'm using up.10687 2014-12-31 09:49:46 Ronan McAllister Re: Help!! Problems with a Cub Frequency Counter [Off topic] Hi have you contacted the distributor?
73, happy new year
10688 2014-12-31 11:02:52 farhanbox@gmail.c... Re: Help!! Problems with a Cub Frequency Counter [Off topic] the new year emt will wipe out your illegal qst pdfs if you dont shutdown the comp and party right now!
happy new year!
- f
------ Original message------
10689 2015-01-01 12:52:44 Ravi Miranda Re: Help!! Problems with a Cub Frequency Counter [Off topic] HelloI've contacted Optoelectronics and they've agreed to have a look at it.Thank you for your time.Kind regardsRavi