EMRFD Message Archive 10453

Message Date From Subject
10453 2014-11-14 05:39:43 i7swx A NEW VNA



Hi all, in the past century there was a test gear called VNA, Vector Network Analyzer, a very expensive gadget. Many HAMs could not even understand what it was doing. A few were very lucky working in companies that could afford an investement of around 20,000$. Others knew what it was doing but could only dream of it.

At the beginning of this century, one HAM, Paul Kiciak, N2PK, designed an “homebrewed” VNA, an instrument that had nothing to envy the the famous industrial ones.


If you have not heard about N2PK VNA before, I recommend you to read through the set of comprehensive materials available from Paul's WEB site (http://n2pk.com/). From there you can follow other links to get even more information, an interesting one is the VE3IVM site, http://www.makarov.ca/vna_main.htm .


Since N2PK project, several other VNA have been released, particularly in Europe. Not all have the same quality of measurements versus the N2PK but can be very useful and important for an homebrewer.


A recent VNA release is the MetroVNA, designed by an Italian Ham, Antonio Ferrulli, IZ7LDG.


The equipment is called “MetroVNA PRO Touch 180MHz” and its technical capabilities:


- Frequency range 1/185Mhz 160/2mt
- Measure: R,Z,