EMRFD Message Archive 8777

Message Date From Subject
8777 2013-07-04 12:59:44 KK7B Sleeping Bag Radio for sale
Dear EMRFD Community,

The time has come for me to contemplate parting with an old friend. The KK7B Sleeping Bag Radio (pp. 12.41 - 12.44 EMRFD) has served me well for more than a decade, with 100% reliability--until last weekend. My adventuring has evolved from high mountains to cold seas. I took the SBR along on a dinghy cruising adventure to the San Juan Islands last weekend, with evening skeds around sunset. Unfortunately, the boat leaked and some gear got wet. The radio appeared dry, but didn't work when connected to the battery and antenna on Jones Island. Following ancient wisdom learned from the Kon-Tiki expedition, after I returned home I opened it up, rinsed it out under the tap and dried it in the sun for a few hours, and then it worked perfectly. I was surprised at how little moisture it took to disable the circuitry. All of the circuitry in the SBR was designed for fresh water wash and dry. Please don't try that with your KX3 or FT-817.

I immediately began sketching alternative packaging for small boat voyaging involving little pelican boxes, water-tight seals etc. All of the SBR modules are nearly ideal for the application: 2.5 watt CW only full break-in 40m CW transceiver for field operation, so I don't feel the need to rebuild any of the circuitry, just rip apart a classic and repackage it.

Before tearing it apart, I figured I'd offer it for sale to someone in this community who would enjoy owning and operating a one-of-a-kind original classic working rig from EMRFD. The price is $600, firm--to partially offset the cost of my next small boat expedition, scheduled for later this summer.

Most of my personal rigs are built along the lines of Wes Hayward's Unfinished rig--works in progress that allow me to quickly test new ideas and evolve the circuitry after every field operation. The SBR is different--it was the 6th or 7th rig I designed and built using the miniR2 board, and the original design has served me well with no need for changes. It is truly plug and play. Even if you're not interested in purchasing the rig, now would be an excellent time to review pages 12.41 to 12.44 in EMRFD to ask any questions, while I have it open on the bench and I'm checking out all the individual modules. The only adjustment I've made is a slight tweak of the VFO calibration trimmer to zero the dial at 7030 kHz. Opposite sideband suppression is still optimized after 12 years--it will be interesting to see if modern DSP architecture radios hold up as well. I'll post this notice on this site and the R2pro site--this offering is only to the community already familiar with this unique radio and technology. I'd also welcome a discussion on packaging radios for marine use.

Obviously this is a one-time only offering, a unique opportunity to own a piece of KK7B homebrew. I don't build custom rigs for sale--and this offer will go away as soon as I start the repackaging process.

Best Regards,

Rick KK7B