EMRFD Message Archive 5752

Message Date From Subject
5752 2011-01-19 14:23:11 Chris Trask Interference Cancelling Using Correlation Feedback
I just completed an online monologue on the subject of interference
cancellation using correlation feedback and posted the paper on my web page:


There are undoubtedly errors in this, but I wanted to get it completed so
that I can move on to another project that has been lingering for a few

Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE
5753 2011-01-20 04:47:28 Tim Re: Interference Cancelling Using Correlation Feedback
Figure 13, the time constant for the loop is circa 1 ms? Does the time constant in figure 15 have to match closely (i.e. the 1% components are really necessary) or is ballpark autocorrelation good enough?

I note that many of the commercial synchronous demodulators, have two different time constants, one for "tuning" (short and maybe circa 1ms for 1kHz bandwidth like yours) and one for "listening" (much much longer so that the loop wouldn't wander during deep fades of one sideband), or that the loop only has the long time constant and is simply turned off and set to the center frequency during tuning.

I do not have a lot of deep listening and tinkering experience with synchronous demodulators, but I did find using them in the ham bands that some fades and worse, nearby carriers could throw off the short-time-constant loop in audibly disconcerting ways. Probably not a big loss because these sorts of demodulators are often used
5754 2011-01-20 06:11:26 Chris Trask Re: Interference Cancelling Using Correlation Feedback
> Figure 13, the time constant for the loop is circa 1 ms?

Yes, but it's just a starting point.

> Does the time constant in figure 15 have to match closely (i.e. the
> 1% components are really necessary) or is ballpark autocorrelation
> good enough?

Actually, the 1% denotation there is unnecessary, as for the two in Fig.
13. That degree of precision is only needed in the phase shifters. I'll
take those out when I revise this later on.

> I note that many of the commercial synchronous demodulators, have two
> different time constants, one for "tuning" (short and maybe circa 1ms for
> 1kHz bandwidth like yours) and one for "listening" (much much longer so
> that the loop wouldn't wander during deep fades of one sideband), or that
> the loop only has the long time constant and is simply turned off and set
> to the center frequency during tuning.

Yes, I've seen that done using an antiparallel pair of diodes in series
with a resistor, those three in parallel with the input resistor. When the
voltage from the multiplier deviates sufficiently from zero, it switches the
input resistance lower so you get a shorter time constant. I'd be hesitant
to use it here as the presence of a strong adjacent interfering signal might
trip the time constant and make the loop seemingly unstable.

> I do not have a lot of deep listening and tinkering experience with
> synchronous demodulators, but I did find using them in the ham bands that
> some fades and worse, nearby carriers could throw off the
> loop in audibly disconcerting ways. Probably not a big loss because these
> sorts of demodulators are often used on channelized bands, where the next
> carrier is going to be 5 or 10kHz away and thus out of the bandwidth of a
1kHz loop.

Yes, that's the problem I was thinking of. It would halp if you had
low-pass filters between the demodulators and the loop multiplier, but they
would have to be exact so as to eliminate any phase shift between the two.
Something like that would be best implemented in DSP. For that matter, most
of this could be done in DSP except for the VCXO, IF/LO phase splitters, and

Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE