EMRFD Message Archive 4470

Message Date From Subject
4470 2010-03-21 16:35:39 Ken Evans FDIM 2010 QRP Challenge Info request
I hope some of you are progressing with the FDIM 2010 QRP Challenge (see
http://fdim.qrparci.org/content/view/104/ ). I know of two completed
projects. One is from a member of my local QRP Club. It is an 80 meter 3W
transceiver with a superhet receiver. It uses the maximum of 72 parts. So
it can be done! I hope to see a number of entries at Dayton.

The entries will be judged by a three member panel. The panel consists of
George Dobbs, G3RJV; Ed Hare, W1RFI; and Jim Stafford, W4QO. The current
plan is for the panel to evaluate each entry on Thursday, May 13. The
equipment will be displayed at the Show & Tell on Friday, May 14. Test
equipment will be available to the panel so a thorough evaluation will be
made. To help the judges in this evaluation process, we ask that you email
to them a copy of the parts list and schematic by Thursday, May 6, 2010.
This will give them an opportunity to start prior to arriving at FDIM. You
can send this data to all three of them at the address of judges@qrparci.org

On behalf of the ARRL Lab, Ed Hare has offered to allow the winning entry to
bring or ship the unit to the ARRL Lab (schedules permitting), where it will
be put through a slightly condensed version of ARRL's Product Review
testing. The winner will end up with a test result report on the major
transmitter and receiver performance. Ed says, "I hope the winner can bring
it to the Lab in person, as we'll not only show him or her how some of the
testing is done, but I'll take him or her out with the Lab guys to our
favorite local eatery."

If you are planning on bringing/sending an entry for the challenge, please
let me know by sending an email to w4du@bellsouoth.net . This will give us
an idea of the number of entries to expect. Also, I can then communicate
directly with you should there be any changes and/or questions. We will
however, continue to post information to the various QRP lists. The actual
transceiver will need to be at FDIM no later than 1900 EDST on Thursday, May
13, 2010.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at FDIM 2010.

Ken Evans, W4DU
President QRP ARCI