EMRFD Message Archive 1298

Message Date From Subject
1298 2008-01-03 19:10:30 Clark Fishman Hycas
I have not put the Hycas together yet but I am speculating that a single stage with 3 or 4 J310's (each with it's on source resistor) in parallel and maybe a 2N5109 or 2N3866 in place of the 2N3904 and suitably biased would have one hell of a good dynamic range. I'll try to take some measurements this week on both configurations

Clark Fishman WA2UNN

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15243 2019-03-01 08:58:57 Mike Hadley Hycas

I have the last few of Hycas IF amp kits for sale. This version 2.1 can be used on 9.000 or 12.000 MHz.

Check out my 9.000 MHz product detector and audio pcb.  It has a four pole post IF xtal filter, usb/lsb/cw carrier oscillators, mute and sidetone circuits. A TDA2050 gives superb audio.

mhadley157@gmail.com for further details.

Mike G4JXX

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