EMRFD Message Archive 11879

Message Date From Subject
11879 2015-11-06 21:53:14 paulchebi Difficulty running Specan.exe
I have built and operated Sweeperino standalone apparently successfully.
Downloaded the Specan-ui from Gihub and after unzipping attempted to rrun Specan.exe.
Got the Specan screen and after checking my Speedweeno port in device manager as com3 on Windows 8.1 and upon entering the com3 in action/connect I immediately get an error message"Specan.exe" stopped working and Windows closes the program.
Unzipping Specan-hi. Gives 8 files make,make.wine,resource h-file,Specan c-file, Specan.exe, Specan.ico file, specanrc file and sweep log.
I was opening the exe to get the sweep screen.
Any help appreciated